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Hi and welcome to Learn WordPress. Today we are going to build a home page with a block theme. The home page is your site’s main hub and serves as the face of a brand. It should prompt visitors to delve deeper into your site, and of course grab their attention. In today’s session, we are going to set a static home page, create a header and footer template part, remove the site title and build the home page using the block editor. The plan is to recreate this home page I’ve already created. I’ve only used blocks to create this travel home page, and I have attempted to create opportunities to pull the reader deeper into the website.

Firstly, I’ve created three posts. I’ve added all the media I’ll be using for my website. I’ve created pages for my navigation menu, I’ve installed a block theme Twenty Twenty-Two, and now we’ll go ahead to Settings and then click on Reading.

The next step is to set a static home page, select a static page and set your Home page and your Posts page, and then click Save changes. When we make our way back to pages we will notice now it says Posts page next to blog and Front page next to home. When we open up our home page, we will notice it has been assigned to the default template which is the page template, and that means it will share the same header and footer as other pages. If you would like you could create a custom unique template that is specific to the home page by clicking on New.








Hello World! 0
Hello World! 1Hello World! 2

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